man up mission

our creed

Insomuch as we have it on our hearts to testify before God and men, that we are actively pursuing accountability among us, we purpose in our hearts to give ourselves to the following Creed:

We aspire to be Men of Valor, Men of Honor, and Men of Integrity.
We endeavor to keep unity in God's Spirit among us, and to be Valiant for Truth in the earth.
We give ourselves to humility and the fear of the Lord, not exalting ourselves through pride.
We accept unswervingly in the call to shepherd and provide for our spouses and children in a post-Christian culture.
We willingly choose to Make a Covenant with our eyes, and our God, not to be given to lust, pornography, or vice.
We boldly stand post on the wall to watch, warn, intercede and battle the forces of darkness in our midst.
We will be faithful in marriage, loyal in friendship, uphold the defenseless, and be brothers born for adversity.
We avail ourselves to the task of rebuilding the broken lives of others, as God has revived our own ruins.
We are persuaded that the Gospel shall be lived in us and preached by us to those who are perishing without Christ.
We commit to making disciples, fostering leaders, and pouring into the next generation.
We submit to God's timing and leading in our lives, and trust His sovereignty in suffering, hardship and opposition.
We ask God for patient endurance to reap and not lose heart, to overcome and withstand the fiercest trials.
We rejoice in the truth that God's joy is our strength, and His Spirit empowers us to be ready for all earthly battles.
We must Arise and Build.

It is with depth of conviction that we hold to these virtues in Christ, and we are thoroughly convinced that it will be the Lord's grace alone to uphold us in them. We surrender to and invite His Spirit to work in and through us, and to build these virtues into our lives through His conforming work upon us and His indwelling life within us.

"Righteous Father, here we are, servants today in Your sign. We yield to Your working and faithfulness to make us steadfast and unwavering before You. We affix our names and seal our hearts unto You that You might burn these truths deeply within, in order that they may be worked out among us according to the power of Your Might. Do it for the sake of Your Beloved Son Jesus, Amen."

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."  (1 Corinthians 16:13)

brothers in arms

ManUp Song

Men of God we’re standing strong  
In His might In His Word
We’re marching on in victory  
Brothers to the end      
As watchman on the wall    
Proclaim to one and all
Our Captain that we’re following  
Leads in victory

Our task is not for faint of heart  
On our knees  Battle starts
Praying for the ones we know  
Spirit lead us on      
Sharpen up your swords   The battle cry of war
Brothers standing to the end  Battle has begun

As He leads He leads us in The Call
All for One we’re standing one for all
We will hold Your words within our hearts always

The road ahead is long and far  
Valleys deep Mountains tall
Gird yourselves for battle men  
Can you hear the call      
Uphold us as we stand      
We'll see the Promised Land
Marching on in victory  
Spirit lead us on

On that day He calls us home  
Stronger man did we become
Trials and our sufferings  
Made us more like Him
We’re soldiers of the King    
Our lives an offering
What we do will echo through all eternity

Words and Music by Chris Mares