calvary co-op

a discipleship homeschooling community

Calvary Co-op is a Discipleship Homeschooling Community that meets at Calvary Chapel Oceanside (CCO) on 18 Fridays throughout a school year. We are NOT a drop-off program, but rather a cooperative where we all join in to help each other with the resources we have for the sake of discipling our children under the Word of God. Our classes are all taught by Calvary Co-op parents who share their abilities and expertise by teaching core classes as well as extracurriculars. CCO Staff and those whose home church is CCO are also invited to teach at Calvary Co-op.

There are 2 job requirements for parents at Calvary Co-op. One job requirement is that one parent per family commits to teach or co-teach in one class per year. The second job requirement is that one parent per family commits to another job such as teaching or co-teaching a second class, Hospitality Team, Study Hall Monitor, End of Day Clean Up, Lunch Monitor, Child Watch, etc.


There is a yearly $40.00 Annual Family Membership fee.

Class fees range between $20-$50 per class, per student, per year, which covers the cost of materials.

Calvary Co-op is a religious affiliate and is not an accredited institution, therefore, state charter funds cannot be used for our classes.

meeting days:

Aug 30 Orientation Day
Sept 6, 20
Oct 4, 18
Nov 1, 15
Dec 6, 13
Jan 10, 24
Feb 7, 21
Mar 7, 21
Apr 4
May 2, 9

Interest form

Interested in joining our Co-op? Fill out our form below or email us for more information.

info update

Need to update your child's profile or medical information? Please use the following button.

"And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."

Deuteronomy 6:6-7